Monday, August 5, 2013

The Constant Sorrow of Gravity’s Downward Situation (2013-07)

The Constant Sorrow of Gravity’s Downward Situation (2013-07)

Something in my head,
Something in my head,
Resonates with the last word you said.

I put it on WikiLeaks,
I put it on WikiLeaks.

Kind gentleman in uniform standing at the front door,
Wouldn't mind if I could tell him just a little bit more?

'I Put Your Name on WikiLeaks Because I Love You'
The Voorholes

'The Waters Edge'
The Voorholes

'The Good, The Bad, The Unheard'
The Voorholes

'When Our Children Are Grown and Tell'
The Voorholes

'All Those Things I Said Alone'
The Voorholes

Little Jimmy was a snail; he often thought at times his life would be easier as a whale.
On the ground is a snail; in the water is a whale.

Everywhere Little Jimmy went, he would leave a trail.
Little Jimmy could read and write in Braille because that's the way he left a trail.
If there was no water, his Braille would be frail.

'Little Jimmy The Snail'
The Voorholes

'The Summer Song'
The Voorholes

'Forced Into Isolation by the Will of Another'
The Voorholes

'Stupid Ideas To Die Alone For'
The Voorholes

Don't I stand for a notion?
Don't I engage in a forward motion?
Don't I walk toward you?
Don't I uphold you?
Don't I tremble during a storm?
Don't I cause a commotion?
Don't I put my head in my hands when I not with you?

'Don't I Have It Coming?'
The Voorholes

'I Will Turn Myself For You'
The Voorholes

'Some People Don't Always Do Too Well In Writing About Their Thoughts'
The Voorholes

'Sleep Versus Paradox'
The Voorholes

When I'm near you, I slow down and forget about ferocious decay.
When I'm near you, I'd give almost anything to walk away from where I stay.

Something struck so hard, I can't look away.
It's all on believing that this can't be the only day.

Just like times before,
Someone has opened the door.
Just like before, there's an ever more.

I don't know what to say,
I don't know what to feel,
I want you now.

The Voorholes

'The Constant Sorrow of Gravity's Downward Situation'
The Voorholes